TRESU Customer Care: Extending Performance

With 40 years of accumulated industry experience and in-depth knowledge of printing machines together with strong  engineering capabilities we can make sure, that you stay ahead of the game. 

We offer a lifecycle management program called TRESU Customer Care, which allows customers worldwide to gain maximum value from TRESU high performance printing machines and equipment. Driven by engineered answers and proven solutions we secure uptime and optimized production to safeguard your peace of mind – and this does not come in a box. 

We call it TRESU Customer Care - Explore our modular service concept by clicking the modules below to the right.

NEW! Servitize your press at a fixed price: High OEE with less capital invested!

 FlexoInnovator1280x720  Service concept circle modular service concept icon pic
 Click above to watch the movie  Modular service concept  Read the brochure

Click above to get the full picture of the partnership with Aspen Products Inc.: 
"Our customers didn't just buy a press from us. They chose to invest trust in us and invest their business with us. We are their partner", says Scott Hibbs, TRESU Americas.

For more information pls contact - or reach out to your contact in TRESU Customer Care



- Flexo (Europe & RoW) +45 7027 0029 
- Flexo  (US & Americas) +1 833 873 7887
- Chillers (US & Americas) +1 866 873 7887
- Digital & Coating (Global) +45 7022 9935

Further information on technical hotline


We receive and handle requests from customer on both technical issues and customer complaints. We develop and assure the maintenance of user manuals and service documentation and provide you with a worldwide hotline availability 24/7.



With TRESU Customer Care we take care of the planning, installation and testing of the equipment. You will receive detailed reporting with thorough analysis and status after each service visit from TRESU. We follow up and focus on the trouble shooting to give you the best service and support and we strive continuously together with you to develop our service concepts. 


We offer you in-house and external training of your operators and maintenance staff. For sparring and development we invite you to participate in working groups and product development projects.